Saturday, December 10, 2022

Saturday Stumping? (Puzzle ClueTwo)

Here's another look at our puzzler.

Now, it may not look like there's much difference between these pictures, but I'm guessing that there will be a pretty good give-away for some of you in the second picture. At least, there was for me.

What do you think? I will post the solution tomorrow, just in case it's still invisible to you. Besides, I think the reveal picture is cute. 


Anonymous said...

Is it a turtle ? Is its snout in there somewhere?


Anonymous said...

BetsyLee, I agree there is a turtle in there. Zooming in I see the shell and a couple of places, I also see some of the telltale red markings of the painted turtle.

If you look closer below the waterlily, I see something poking up in the duck weed..........another turtle??? or maybe the beak of the bird that the turtle caught???

maybe more clues tomorrow???


Wise Wanderer said...

I agree - faint turtle shell outline, with a hint of red on the edge. Great disguise he has going.
Wise Wanderer