Wednesday, December 21, 2022

A Little Nutty

This is the time of year when lots of sweet little birds start hanging around in my yard to take advantage of all the feeding stations and shrubbery. Among these small winter visitors, nuthatches are some of my favorites. It also seems like I am forever trying to get decent pictures of them, because they simply don't hold still long enough for me to locate them in the viewfinder, focus and then take the photo. 

I'm also always trying to get a good enough image to use as inspiration for a carving. Some of you know that I have done a couple nuthatch carvings - one common and one red-breasted. (I've used them as invoice carvings and cards in the past.)

So, here are my recent attempts at capturing these cuties in digital form.

I particularly like this one balanced on a tree knot. I think it might have potential as a carving subject. The way it's peering down at the world from its perch just tickles me. 


Anonymous said...

I love Nuthatches ! Especially the little red-breasted ones - even smaller than the white-breasted ones.

Their sounds are easy to recognize; when I stick my head out the door and hear, "Ank-ank", I know exactly who is talking, although I don't know what they're saying. ;^)

Thank you for your blog and your pics and your stories !


Webfoot said...

I love those little guys, too, BetsyLee. I always call them "Merp" because of that cute little sound they make. :)