Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Dewy -- No Decimals

This time of year, the morning dew can be so thick that Piper is completely soaked by the time we get home. She goes stalking through the yard to look for chipmunks and bunnies and then goes bounding through the tall grasses and underbrush. 

She's soaked to the skin by the time we get home (so am I - I have to change my jeans and socks!). 

There are other interesting effects along the way, too. These spruce trees are adorned with spider webs that have caught the dew and early morning sun makes the webs shimmer. It's like Christmas on the last day of July. 

The spiders spin decorative flocking, making the trees look snow-kissed. 

I just thought it was a fun midsummer nod to wintertime on a hot, humid day! 


Anonymous said...

Oh Web, not liking this post. I don't do spiders in any way shape or form. Long story of when I was very young and have never forgotten it.


Anonymous said...

I, too, am no fan of spiders. Can hardly look at one on the page of a book.

Spider webs covered with dew drops, as long there is no attendant spider visible, I can stand. Once the dew is gone, I lose interest. They are pretty things covered with dew drops. :^)

Thanks for the pics, hugs to ya,
from BetsyLee

PS The comment page is the old one once again, not the new one. Hm.