Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Field, Fur and Feathers

Open fields have so much going on and since I have highlighted the wetlands lately, I thought I'd give a little love to a few of the field dwellers we've seen on our walks.

Can you spot the shy little mouse hidden in the grass? Sometimes, it's just a tiny wiggle of a grass blade that gives the position away. Sneaky!

Yellow-shafted flickers often forage on the ground, and they also like to hang out with the robins. Piper and I frequently turn a corner and see a group of robins and flickers in the shorter grass of the trail looking for bugs. I wonder if they help each other watch for predators - many eyes make for safer snacking.

Cedar waxwings are such amazing birds and I was happy to see that a few stayed in the area for nesting season. I love seeing them!

Finally, this sweet nest caught my eye as we were walking past an autumn olive bush near the trail. Take particular note of the lovely decorative matching blue ribbon woven into the nest to compliment the color of the eggs. Perfect nursery decor! I snapped a quick picture and hurried Piper along the trail so that we wouldn't disturb mama robin too much. I'm hoping to be able to do a time-lapse of sorts as the eggs hatch and the little ones grow.


Anonymous said...

Such wonderful pictures and always good info. Delightful! TAP

Webfoot said...

Thank you, TAP. I love my silly little daily adventures. :)