Thursday, July 25, 2024

There's Gold in Them Thar Woods!

Here's the first picture of gold. I was hoping I would find some of these while Piper and I were out walking in the woods. I was quite excited. 

Can you see what made me so enthusiastic? You can enlarge the picture by clicking on it. This was a great find. Of course, I'm one of those odd people that will eat things I pick up off the ground. :)

And this was only one of the blooms I found. 

Here's another batch I found farther from the trail in a different area. 

Here's more glorious edible gold. Chanterelles are such a choice mushroom, with a marvelous, meaty texture and a flavor that blends that earthy umami flavor with a little bit of fruity goodness. 

It's also a good mushroom for a beginner to identify, since once you know what it looks like, it would be really hard to mistake it for anything else. 

Here's a beautiful, big bowl ready to slice and sauté. I was able to put three 8 ounce bags into the freezer for later use and still have a few left over for my scrambled eggs. Woo hoo! 


Anonymous said...

Nice ! You make 'em look so good !

"And how many slugs did you have to brush off them," she says doubtfully. You know me, always with slug concerns. :^)

Maybe I'll get out there and look for some fungi. We had over three inches of rain last night - that should get them popping out of the ground !

Hugs to you, from BetsyLee

Anonymous said...

I did it, I got out there to look for chantarelles, and I found some just starting to grow. NONE of them looked as perfect as yours. I must be traveling in the wrong places to see the good ones. Oh well, thanks for the pics, especially the last one of the pretty ones in the bowl !

Mushroom hugs from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

Ooh! Congratulations on getting out there and finding some gold, BetsyLee! Sometimes they do take a little cleaning up - they like to grow in sandy places around here and that takes patience. And you're right - the slugs do love them! LOL! They're worth the effort, though.
Hugs right back!