Friday, August 2, 2024

More Welcome Wild Things

I had no idea spider squeamishness was so prevalent. So, to make amends for the discomfort, we will wander around and look for wildflowers together this morning. 

This Queen Anne's Lace flower with its halo of spotted knapweed made a pretty combination. 

Piper took a rest among the daisies and knapweed out in the field. 

Chicory is blooming all along the roadside. I love the serrated petal edges. 

This bumblebee collected quite a lot of pollen from the mullein flowers. 

I'm not entirely sure what this flower is, but I love the burst of stamens - each flower looks like a little celebration. I'll have to get out my wildflower books and look this little beauty up. :)


Anonymous said...

wow, that Queen Anne's Lace looks like a spiral galaxy - cool.

The yellow flower at the end is a St. Johnswort, I think. They are pretty. :^)

Hugs to ya from BetsyLee

Anonymous said...

I don't love spiders, but I don't hate them either! They eat bugs and flies and I appreciate that. After my mom's stroke and she was housebound, she really enjoyed the fall spiders that built nests in her window. She named them (Spinderella and Webster) and loved watching them work!

Back to today's post--- the flowers are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

Those flowers are lovely and Piper is quite decorative too. I also loved the webby dew-bespangled decorations in the previous post. Spinderella and Webster - what a wonderful story.

Woodland Paws

Anonymous said...

BestyLee, you are correct on the St. Johnswort. I tried posting earlier, but my phone wasn't cooperating.. had to wait to get to a computer.


Webfoot said...

Thank you, BetsyLee for the identification of the St. Johnswort. I was away from home and didn't have my books with me to look things up. And thanks, Sheila for the confirmation. I learned a new flower. :)

Thank you Woodland Paws. I'm glad you like the flowers and weren't creeped out by the spidery tree decorations.

An QM, I love Spinderella and Webster! What perfect spider names!! Your mom sounds like a marvelously creative type of person. :)