Tuesday, July 30, 2024

How it Started and How it's Going...

 Remember when I posted this delightful little discovery a few weeks ago. 

I wanted to keep track of the nest and see how things progressed. The trick was to be able to get close enough for a picture while keeping Piper successfully contained. 

I also didn't want to disturb mom or the youngsters, so I kept more distance and tried to get a few pictures after they hatched. I didn't get them while they were teeny, but I wanted to make sure they all remained unruffled and in the nest. Here they are hatched and growing like mad. 

After a few more days, they started looking very tightly packed and I expected them to leave their cozy quarters quite soon. 

Sure enough, a couple days later, they were out of the nest and perched in the bush, looking alert and ready to take the world by storm. 

They're gone now and the nest is empty. I miss checking in on them when we walk by in the morning. That's the way of all children, though, isn't it? They fly off to their great adventures. 


Anonymous said...

Aw, little robins are always cute ! Thank you for the followup. :^)

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

PS the comments page has changed, did you know?

Webfoot said...

Thanks, BetsyLee. I enjoyed watching the little ones grow.
And thanks for the heads-up about the comments page. It seems to work fine, even though the layout is different.
Hugs right back to you!

Anonymous said...

love watching nature grow and change. awesome shares. thanks


Webfoot said...

Me, too, Sheila. Thanks! :)