Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Further Flowery Foolishness

I have a few more of the neighborhood flower pictures ready to post. Piper was very good while I was taking them (although, she has been trying to photobomb a few while trying to figure out what is capturing my attention). 

Black-eyed Susans might be simple flowers, but I find them cheerful. There are a couple spots with large patches of them and they're like little fields of sunshine. 

This butterfly weed makes a great addition to a pollinator garden. As the name suggests, it's very popular with the butterfly population. The garden these grow in isn't quite a classic pollinator patch, since it has a lot of more traditional flowers as well, but the butterflies (and bees) don't care.

Here's a daylily - the colors and patterns are just brilliant - and the frilly, crimped edges on it are the perfect finishing touch.

Here's another lily, but it blooms in clusters, rather than individual flowers. The color really is that intense.  

Daisies! Who doesn't love daisies? Well, other than my sister who thinks they stink. She likes them well enough outside, but no daisy bouquets for her. I've been thinking of carving a daisy (or group of daisies) and this handsome specimen might provide some inspiration. 

Pansies always make me think of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and the garden of talking flowers. 

Last for this installment, but definitely not least, is the humble blanket flower. I love all the color and pattern variations with these beauties - and they're another excellent pollinator garden plant. 


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the great selection of beautiful flowers ! :^)

Flowery hugs from betsylee

Anonymous said...

loving all the beautiful blooms!!!

thank you,


Webfoot said...

Thank you, BetsyLee and Sheila. I'm glad you enjoyed the neighborhood garden tour. And many thanks again, Sheila, for the list of deer and bunny resistant plants!
Hugs to you both!