Sunday, November 19, 2023

A Few Finch Friends

The finch contingent is out in full force, emptying feeders just about as fast as I can fill them.


These house finches add a nice background chatter to the yard. They make me smile because they always sound like they are asking questions. Tweet? Cheep?

As with many species, the boys are much showier than the girls, though they seem equally matched with their earnest questions and voracious appetites.

While some of the flock will fly farther south, a fair number will remain, providing a welcome splash of color during the gray winter months. 

I don't begrudge them their sunflower feasts. :)


Anonymous said...

Yup, they are a frequent flyer at my feeders too.


Webfoot said...

Charming little pigs with wings, Sheila. :)

Anonymous said...

"Pigs with wings" just scratches the surface of the house finch. Don't forget the constant noisy squabbling when there's more than two at a time. They dive me NUTS all day ! They're better than the grackleblackbirdstarling gang, but still, just be quiet once in a while, okay??

I have a baby monitor out on the porch so I can hear them when I'm in the kitchen. That's why I'm so familiar with their RACKET. And if they aren't squabbling at the feeders, they're sitting on the porch roof carrying on. ARF!!

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

A baby monitor? What a fun idea - you can hear all the outdoor chatter while you're doing inside tasks. It's true, the finches do their fair share of squabbling, but sometimes it feels more like a big family gathering where everybody maybe had a little too much rum in their eggnog and gets too loud. On the other hand, I used to refer to the late summer starling invasion as a bunch of juvenile delinquents. Not only did they have a large immature population among the flock, they really would seem to fight all the time - over everything. I will, however, admit to greatly admiring the murmurations as they take flight together and perform amazing aerial ballets.