Saturday, July 15, 2023

Mystery Mushrooms

Earlier in the season, I found some bright orange slime growing on a cut ironwood tree. More recently, I discovered this white slime growing on another tree.

I can't find anything quite like it in my mushroom reference books, but I suspect it's another yeasty beastie, like the orange one that BetsyLee's friend was able to identify for us.


Here's another one that I can't find in my books. I come close with several possibilities, but there's nothing quite like it, so I wasn't satisfied with my efforts at identification. I do love where it's growing, though. It looks quite magical surrounded by ferns and with the dark backdrop of the cracked log behind it.



Anonymous said...

[ maybe this]

Anonymous said...

well........AQ wiki doesn't work here ;/


Webfoot said...

Thank you, Sheila. I think you may be right about that one. I don't know why it isn't in any of my books, but that looks like the same thing. :)

Anonymous said...

"Frothy Porecrust" is the common name for that oxyporus. Very descriptive, but eww ! The book says it's a tree killer - not nice.

How about the little caps? Are they really purplish? Do the caps flatten out? I can't find any that fit the bill, without knowing spore color, the books always want spore color. Do their caps flatten out with age, or do they stay like elf hats?

So many questions... :^)

Hugs from BetsyLee, and thanks for the pics! :^)

Webfoot said...

Frothy is the perfect descriptor for that fungus, BetsyLee. As for the little caps, they are actually purple-ish gray. They open some, but stay pointed at the top, so they still look like half open umbrellas.