Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Mini Mystery

Well, darn! I have no idea why this didn't work the first time. That really was a mystery - I'll bet you really didn't expect a blank mystery post!!

I'll try again and see if I can actually get this silly little post posted. 

As you know, Baloo is never very far from my thoughts and I frequently smile at things that would have entertained or delighted him. That being the case, I saw something out in the middle of this grassy meadow about which Baloo would have been really excited and decided that I would take a couple pictures and share a little foolishness. 

You can click on the picture to enlarge it for a better chance at spotting the thrill.  I'm still using my brother's camera, so the pictures are less detailed than my old (dead) camera would have given us, but I'm doing my best. 

But!!! The excellent news is that the camera I wanted is finally available again and I ordered it just this morning. It should be here in a few days and I'm really excited.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm also blathering along and making extra paragraphs to keep you from seeing the answer before you've had a chance to try and solve the mystery. 

Okay, now I will just throw in a few asterisks to make sure the answer photo doesn't appear at the same time as the mystery photo. 












Baloo loved these little squeakers. He'd hear their chirp of alarm and go into full alert mode. Or, he'd see that little, brown speck twitch out in the middle of a big field and immediately want to go investigate. He knew both of those things meant that thirteen-lined ground squirrels really needed to be harassed.

That's the solution to this mini mystery. Triply mini mystery -- a mystery about why it didn't post the first time (which is unlikely to be solved), a very small mini creature and mini because I didn't make you wait an extra day for the answer. 

The whole thing made me smile and I hope it gave you a bit of a grin, too. :-)

(Sadly, the stuff I wrote last night was much more clever than this retry, but there's nothing I can do about it now.)




Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you had issues with your post - this one seems fine. :^)

Love the squeaker! We have a chipmunk that sit on our front steps and barks (chip!) all day long. I dunno - mad at the birds eating the seeds on the ground, mad at the squirrels, mad at the world, who knows why one of them barks for an hour straight?

When I come out to make it shut up, it ducks for cover - as soon as I am inside, it comes back out to keep on barking and laughing, too. I tell ya, sometimes I wish Baloo was here to move that noisy rodent along.

Hugs from BetsyLee

Anonymous said...

Awe, thanks for the extra work for this mystery!!! I spotted it when I zoomed in, but then I couldn't judge the size of it. I thought maybe a grouse head.........oh my was I off on the id.


Webfoot said...

BetsyLee, Baloo would definitely have given the chipmunk something to bark about! Baloo wouldn't have joined in the bark fest, though. He was the strong, silent type. ;-)

Sheila, it was a pretty small brown spot in the middle of the first picture. You did well spotting it at all!! :-)