Thursday, February 16, 2023

Regal Immaturity?


It seems like an oxymoron, doesn't it? But, this young bald eagle manages to be both, whether flying with the ravens or asking a parent for guidance. 


Once again, the trail camera caught some beautiful live action - I love it when that happens.  In the picture above, the sneaky camera got triggered by  a flock of ravens and a young eagle getting startled and taking off. It's such a great way to be able to study the wing motion and flight angles.

Seriously, isn't this landing among the ravens spectacular? Definitely good carving inspiration!

They are huge birds - look at the wingspan on this youngster. I also love the mottled feathers. They take up to five and a half years to develop the distinctive white head and tail and dark body plumage.


Here the big (enormous!) baby is coming in to feed with its parent for a while. I know it's just perspective, but the baby looks even bigger than the adult!

I got to see a mated pair sitting together in a tree a couple days ago - they were very regal sweethearts. Sadly, I was driving and couldn't take a picture, but I enjoyed the rare treat!  I haven't spotted the nest yet, but it has to be nearby - I'll keep my eyes open.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those are beautiful shots ---- and so interesting! Thanks for sharing!