Thursday, October 27, 2022

Mad Mycology

With Halloween coming right up, it's only fitting that these bright beauties are showing themselves again. After all, they are a lovely autumnal gold and orange -- and a little bit scary. 

The bone-shaped bulb and stem to the right of the mushroom adds a little extra eeriness, don't you think?   Then, there are the little tattered veil remnants along along the edges of the cap and down the stem that make it look like unraveling mummy wrappings (click the photo for a larger view). I know - I  have a vivid imagination. 

Some people use this mushroom as a psychedelic, and while nobody has died from ingesting this particular member of the Amanita family in quite a few years, identification can be troublesome and mistakes disastrous. I am of the opinion that anything that can do serious damage to the liver or kidneys should not be ingested unless absolutely necessary. 

Besides, nature provides enough magic to dazzle the senses every day, right?


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Let's see more fungi!!


Webfoot said...

Thank you, BetsyLee!! Careful what you wish for. You never know what I may find growing along my path! :)