Monday, October 17, 2022

Evening Entertainment

Walking around by the marsh at twilight is always a treat. Birds and other creatures are finding their last minute before bedtime snacks and getting ready to bed down for the night.

This great blue heron was patiently trying to find an unsuspecting frog along the water's edge. 

The wood ducks are so shy that it's hard to get a good picture of them at the best of times and the fading light made it even more of a challenge. These three were dabbling along and finding goodies in the shallow water out toward the far edge of the marsh.

They also found places to stand and take a moment to get all their feathers oiled and in order before settling in for the night. 

The heron finally took to the air to find a place to roost. I always enjoy watching the herons in flight, with their necks curled in and their legs straight out in back. They have a strange sort of grace about them.

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