Sunday, October 23, 2022

Rowdy Raptors

Here is a dramatic trail camera picture from earlier in the season (you can tell because the trees are still green).  I have a number of great candid shots from the trail cameras and, since I'm not at home to download and share my trusty old portable camera's pictures, I thought I would take the opportunity to give you a different glimpse of life out in the family woods. 

The adult eagles (one golden and one bald) are vying for food to give their youngsters and they're getting pretty testy about the whole procedure. 

I cropped the picture so that you could get a little closer look at the food fight (once again, click on the picture to enlarge). 

I always enjoy seeing things that I wouldn't otherwise get to observe in the wild and the trail cams capture rare moments that are hard to see in person. I hope you enjoy it, too. 


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a scene! Pretty cool. :^)


Anonymous said...

I always love looking at your pics and hearing your stories. Thanks for sharing.


Webfoot said...

Thank you, BetsyLee and Sheila! The trail cameras have been a lot of fun. And I'm glad you're enjoying my silly stories and odd rambles, Sheila! :)