Saturday, October 29, 2022

Spooky Spinners and Ghost Frost

These pictures were taken last October while I was walking with Baloo in his Big Field. It seemed fitting to continue with the Halloween theme, since All Hallows' Eve is nearly upon us. 

On chilly mornings, frost will linger on fine grasses and spider webs. The sun's lower angle backlights the ice crystals, bathing the field in a ghostly glow. 

This frost-fringed wild asparagus plant is a perfect example of the effect. Usually bright green, the fine ice clinging to tiny leaves creates an otherworldly white aura. 

Baloo happily snacked on autumn olives in the background of this picture while I took a quick break from trying to get the right angle to capture the spider webs in the grasses nearby. He wondered what I found so interesting and why I didn't come and nibble, too. (I miss that boy so much!)

The right lighting can be hard to find, but sometimes it makes the spiders' handiwork positively ethereal.


Anonymous said...

I miss Baloo, too, even though I've never met either one of you in person. I feel for ya - it's hard to lose a good companion like him. Baloo had a certain flair, or zest, for life. :^)

Hugs to you

Webfoot said...

Thank you! Yes, Baloo definitely had a flair and little ways that were all his own! Walks aren't the same without his sweet self by my side, but I take him with me in my heart and I still talk to him, because I'm just a little bit crazy that way... I look at the laden autumn olive bushes and eat a few olives in his honor. Yesterday, I picked a wild apple from a tree along the trail - he loved to have me pick an apple to share with him (he probably got more than his half because it was so much fun to witness his joy). :)