Saturday, July 23, 2022

'Round the Mulberry Bush

It's mulberry season and the trees are loaded with juicy berries. I know that some people hate these trees because they can be sort of messy (and they are, no question about it), but I tend to look at the bright side.

What is the bright side, you ask?? Mulberries on yogurt, mulberry cobbler, a fistful of mulberries to supercharge the walk (Baloo used to eat an incredible number of these every time we hit the trail during their season - he absolutely loved them), put them in your ice water for a little extra fruity flavor.... You get the idea - the possibilities are endless.

There are a couple trees out in the big field that are the white variety. Nobody picks them because they don't think that they're ripe. Yum.

Aren't they beautiful? I love the colors and it's not just the white, red, purple and green of the berries. The birds love these juicy treats, too, and add all their colors to the mix. 

This robin has taken advantage of the delicious bounty. Notice he looks a little bit harried - I'm guessing that he's feeding youngsters and they're keeping him on the hunt for goodies. Doesn't it look like he decided to take a short rest on the fence post before flying back into the fray?

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