Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Oh, Snap!

When Baloo died, I warned you that he would still appear on the blog from time to time. We had so many wonderful adventures together. And, no, I still haven't managed to take a walk without getting teary - I miss my trail buddy so very much.  I still take our favorite walks every day, but I frequently wonder what delights I might be missing with my dull, human senses, because he always pointed out interesting things along the way.

A sudden halt on the trail would often mean there was a discovery to be explored. On this occasion, it was a very small snapping turtle that had just emerged from the ground. 

Baloo tracked its trail back to the point where it had exited its nest before it started making tracks directly toward the shallow wetland lake just across the trail.

The car key gives some idea of relative size and I doubt that I would have noticed such a tiny spot on the ground without his magnificent nose to sniff it out for me.

I picked it up to look at the carapace. Those long toenails were pretty impressive, too.


Baloo didn't bother the turtle at all, he just brought it to my notice, as he did with so many interesting things. I'm trying to keep my eyes wide open for more discoveries, even though my vision can tend to be a little blurred while out walking these days.


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