Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Little Things

 Sometimes, it's just the little things that make me smile along the way. 

Seeing a green heron fly by against a backdrop of fluffy clouds, for example. 

I believe I have correctly identified this dragonfly as a midland clubtail. You can see how the end of the tail gets wider. Apparently, the eyes can be either gray or turquoise. This one seems to have opted for gray. 

Green frogs are really, really good at blending in with the muddy edges of the marsh, but their croaks give them away. You always know when you hear a loose banjo string sort of sound that there's a green frog nearby. 

See? Nothing particularly noteworthy, but I hope you enjoyed the little things, too. 


Anonymous said...

The 'little things' are good, very good. :^)

I never see the frogs before they jump - my eyes aren't fast enough.

Thank you and hugs from BetsyLee

Anonymous said...

It's the little things in life that matter the most! Love these pictures (as I do your blog)

Pink Panther

Anonymous said...

Good stuff, as always. Those little things make up big chunks of life.

Webfoot said...

Aw, thanks, everyone! I'm glad there are other little things appreciators out there. :)

Anonymous said...

It's been a busy week in my world...... just seeing these.

loving all of them.

