Sunday, July 28, 2024

Fruits of the Field

 Summer sweets are available along the trail for the observant hiker. 

Raspberries are in season and I found a nice patch to raid along the way.

I did a carving of these guys a few years ago with three different blocks and colors, because they're not only delicious, they're visually interesting. 

Baloo loved raspberries and would race me to the treats, so I had to teach little Piper about the joys of berry picking. It didn't take her long to catch on to the goodness. 

She can't reach as high, though, and sometimes asks for a little handout.

This wood satyr butterfly seemed to like hanging out in the brambles, too. 


Anonymous said...

love, love berries

I bet that stamp is amazing, just like all your other carves!


Webfoot said...

Aw, thanks, Sheila. I may have to dig those out to play with again one of these days. And raspberries are one of my absolute favorite fruits. When asked what kind of cake I want for my birthday, I always say, "raspberry pie". :)