Friday, December 8, 2023

It's a Gray Day

This morning I want to highlight one of my favorite unassuming little birds.  Juncos hang out in my yard all winter long, utilizing the shrubbery and the brush pile I have built for cover, while taking advantage of the ground feed I put out (and the sunflower hearts the finches toss from the feeders).

They are fickle little rascals, disappearing as soon as the weather shifts in the spring (although, they do come back if there's a late snow).

Unlike the finches, they don't squabble with other birds over their food. They aren't big talkers, either. Chickadees and finches chatter all the time. Blue jays raise the roof and even the cardinals chip at each other as they feed.

Juncos just quietly fly in and have their snack before taking cover again. That's one of the reasons they seem so hard to photograph - they like to hang out deep inside the bushes when they aren't scratching around for food. 

These sweet little gray birds manage to sing to me without even making a peep. :)


Anonymous said...

I love having juncos in my yard. They spend time under my feeder, and around various shrubs. They have a very quiet song that I have to listen intently to hear. All in all, they are very quiet visitors, and I love 'em !

Webfoot said...

I know, Anonymous! They're just such sweet unassuming little birds. I love them, too!

Anonymous said...

oops, I forgot to sign my letter.

Hugs to ya from BetsyLee

Anonymous said...

I love their tiny pink beaks. Maybe it's because they are not year-rounders they seem so special -- just like Christmas! Their grey feathers have a beautiful blueish cast to them too. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous pictures of this wonderful birdy! PixiePam