Sunday, August 2, 2020

Farm Art

Once again, the big farm that Baloo and I pass on our way to several of our favorite walking areas had a noteworthy addition or two (the last one being the baby burro that appeared in the blog a couple weeks ago). One of the people living at the farm is an artist and I have featured her work in past posts, too. On our way by, I noticed she was working on something out in one of the fields and I thought it might be a play area for some goats or something, since they have had goats in that little field before. 

On returning to the area a couple days ago, I saw that what she had been working on was a platform for a new art installation. The fun thing about the pieces she creates in her yard, her fields and on the walls of barns and outbuildings is that she uses characters from among the animals that live on the farm. In this case, you can tell by the markings that the baby burro is featured here pulling the cart.One of their several border collies is riding shotgun with one of the human residents of the farm. The pieces she creates are always delightful and I get to admire them every time we go by. 

In addition, this pony has just joined the herd. It looks quite content with its status as the newest denizen of the herd.  If my memory serves, this looks like a Shetland pony. I remember a few adventures riding these occasionally feisty little guys at the fair when I was a child... 

I'll have to keep my eyes open - maybe she'll create something using this pony as her model. 

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