Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Cheery, Cherry-Faced Progress Report

Baloo wanted to make me take a much-needed data entry break and go out on what should have been a lovely walk in the woods. Reality kicked in when we were completely beset by swarms of deer flies and horse flies and no amount of bug dope seemed to help repel the vicious little biters. The good news is that I got to be introduced to the cherry-faced meadowhawk along our way (what a great name for these winged wonders!). 

The bad news is that Baloo decided, while I was concentrating on trying to get a good picture of this striking dragonfly, he would foil the pesky flies by jumping into the mucky pond beside which this red beauty lives and hunts. Needless to say, stinky dog had to have a bath before he was allowed back into the house! 

Oh! You mean you don't care about my canine cleansing conundrums and what you really wanted to see was the promised progress report? Okay, here goes! 

All the different products that I carry at Stampeaz are now officially entered into the database. This is huge progress! A whirlwind inventory will need to be done before the site goes live, since some of the counts will be different from what I pulled out of the old database (I've sold some things since the crash), but that's a manageable task that should be done anyway, just to make sure everything's correct. 

Other than that, I still need to figure out the shipping and customer account parts of the new platform. From the research I have done so far, it looks like I may have to do something similar to what I did with the old store for postage, since I use the least expensive priority mail method I can for each order. My only option for accurate shipping is to use standard flat rate, which would be more expensive for my customers. So, folks may just have to put up with me creating the best estimate I can and refunding money that I don't need for shipping an order. Who knows? I may yet find a plug-in or add-on that allows me to do what I want, but it looks like I make things too complicated for that (no surprise there!).   


Janice Bryant said...

Oh we know the stinky dog washing routine--we have TWO who would prefer to be stinky forever rather than put up with the warm shower and scentless tearless dog shampoo. They do enjoy the attention afterwards (what a soft sweetie you are!) but the tug of war wears me out! I'm so happy to hear of your progress. Whatever postage works for you works for me! I can't wait to see the new list of goodies to shop through!

Martha John said...

Hooray that you're getting back to some sort of normal! Your progress sounds exciting, and your Cherry Faced dragonfly is beautiful!

Webfoot said...

Thank you, Rabbit, for the commiseration on stinky dog syndrome! And thanks for the continued encouragement! Shipping looks like it's probably still going to be my old, cumbersome system until I can figure out something better (or someone writes a plugin that will magically do what I want!). Progress continues! :)

Webfoot said...

Martha! It's great to hear from you. Did I say anything about normal? Baloo and I are pretty much as nutty as always, but I am starting to believe that the site may eventually get finished.

I'm glad you liked the dragonfly - I've been seeing them dart around, but they don't often hold still long enough to focus the camera on them - and Baloo has a tendency to scare them off, since he likes to see what I'm looking at so intently. I hope all is going well with you and Jim!! :)