Saturday, August 15, 2020

Panning for Gold

Sometimes, when Baloo and I are out walking in the woods, we find something really marvelous. Usually, it's something beautiful to look at or interesting to learn about, but occasionally we discover gourmet delicacies. 

We ran across a particularly nice bloom of golden chanterelle mushrooms glowing like a beacon in the shade of the forest. I know - they look toxic, don't they? One of my brother's friends says that they look like they are positively dripping with poison, but they are among the most choice of edible fungi.

Some of them were pretty sandy, so rigorous cleaning was required, but I ended up with a lovely bowl full of golden treasure. 

Then, after slicing them all up, it was time to saute them in a little butter and olive oil. 

Since mushrooms are mostly water, they took time to cook down. While they did, the nutty, earthy aroma was absolutely moth-watering. 

So, of course, I had to have some for breakfast in scrambled eggs, along with homemade sourdough pita bread. A mushroom lover's delight. Yum! I saved the rest of them for other culinary adventures.

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