Friday, August 23, 2019

Oh, Honey!

Baloo and I walked back to the magical goldenrod field again yesterday afternoon, but there was only one bloom open and only one (very busy) visitor. 

This little fellow worked over every inch of the flower and packed his pollen baskets to the brim. 

I had to look up honey bee anatomy to learn what to call those bulging leg parts. Pollen basket seems so simple and descriptive, doesn't it? I love learning new things!

We'll have to try again next week to see if the flowers have opened and enticed the monarchs to return or not. 


GG said...

I've missed hearing about Baloo and you.
Such a nice surprise to see you blogging your adventures again.

Webfoot said...

Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying our ramblings - both physical and mental, I hope. :)