Saturday, August 17, 2019

Being Green

Oh, look! A green frog. No, really. That's what it is. It's not just green and a frog, but it is actually called a green frog - or sometimes a bronze frog because of the somewhat bronze coloration amid all the green. (This odd introduction is a fond nod to my father's habit of teasing me about creatures with obvious names - like the green frog or the black and white warbler.)

The green frog looks a lot like a bullfrog, but the ridges of skin along the sides of its back distinguish it from its loud basso profundo cousin. As to voices, if I had to describe it, I'd say the green frog sounds a little bit like a banjo with loose strings being plucked enthusiastically.  I'm being completely serious (in a slightly tongue in cheek way). If you don't believe me, look up an mp3 recording of the green frog's song online. You'll see what I mean. 

So, does anybody else out there remember Bozo, the Clown's song about the Filbert, the Frog? No? Just wondering. I still remember all the words - and that's a little frightening. Pinto Colvig sang it and did amazing glottal stop renditions of frog croaking, also bringing green frogs to mind. 

Okay, it must be bedtime. This post has gotten even more peculiar than usual. :)


Anonymous said...

Oh this is a fun post! I listened to the recording of the green front and I could definitely hear those loose banjo strings! LOL
Incidentally I also looked up the Bozo song and that is available on line
also, the frog part starts at about 3:16, I watched the show as a kid but did not remember the Frog song, it is pretty cute!!

Webfoot said...

I never saw the TV show, but my parents had a set of old 78 rpm records with a picture book that went with it. I think it was called something like, "Bozo Goes to Circus Town". I can't tell you how many times I listened to that set of old recordings! I'm glad you enjoyed that little bit of foolishness. Thanks for the comment - it made me grin. :)