Thursday, August 22, 2019

Golden Moments

There's a loop trail that Baloo and I take through the woods and at one end of it there's a semi-open brush covered field that often has deer lounging around in it. 

At about this time last year, we walked it and while we didn't wake any deer from their naps, we found it bursting with color and movement. 

Goldenrod was blooming everywhere and between the monarch butterflies and the honeybees, there was constant movement and humming. 

Sadly, it was one of the few days that I had forgotten to bring along my regular camera, so I had to make do with my telephone. 

I couldn't believe the number of monarch butterflies. There were often three or four on a single goldenrod head. (There's a sneaky honeybee on the lower left blossom, if you look really closely.)

These pictures don't begin to do it justice, but I thought I would share them anyway and let your imaginations fill in the rest of the scene. 

Hmmm... Posting this has inspired me. Goldenrod is beginning to bloom again, so I think I'll take Baloo to that trail to see if we can catch a repeat performance! If we do, you may have to put up with another post about butterflies and flowers. 

Who knows? It might be worth it. :)


Gossamer said...

Thank you for sharing. It is rare that I see them but for an occasional one in the garden. Please post more!

Webfoot said...

Thank you so much for your comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. I almost didn't post them, since they were just phone snapshots, so I appreciate your vote of confidence! :)