Friday, May 31, 2024

A Puzzle from Piper

The last puzzler was so difficult Piper and I thought something that could actually be solved might be in order.  It seemed like it might be an enjoyable way to kick off the weekend and hope you think so, too.

As we set off for our morning ramble, Piper saw something quite exciting and was instantly transfixed. She didn't want to budge. 

Do you see what she saw?


Anonymous said...

Aw, so cute ! I see it, and I think that Piper shows great restraint. :^)

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

I suspected it would be a quick solve for you. Also, Piper is at the end of a leash, so her restraint is enforced, in this case, which is almost certainly appreciated by the subject of her attention. :) Hugs right back!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a good girl you have to resist the case on this one!!!

Thanks Piper for the fun.


Webfoot said...

Piper was restrained on a leash - she's still learning about self-restraint. She has a pretty strong prey drive, so it's going to be a process... She loves to spot things and try to sneak up on them. She's also gotten really good at being patient with me when I stop to take pictures. :)