Saturday, June 1, 2024

A Puzzle from Piper - Solved

As predicted, several of you found what had Piper transfixed. I knew you would - you've got keen eyes!

Just in case you didn't see it, or you didn't have a chance to hunt, here's the relevant picture from yesterday's puzzle post. Have you found it?

How about now? It's a pretty distinctive silhouette.

It looks a lot like somebody hid a chocolate bunny under those trees - it's the perfect pose.

I hope you enjoyed this little bit of silliness. I think we can use more silliness in the world. :)


Anonymous said...

I love it ! More puzzles please. And more bunnies, too. ;^)

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Anonymous said...

yeah, I saw this one and got it right!!!

Thanks Piper!!!!
