Monday, May 20, 2024

More Flowers that Bloom in the Spring

As promised (or threatened, as the case may be), here are a few more wildflowers for a Monday morning. 

Wild grapes are blooming, looking like the tiny harbingers of grape clusters to come. Maybe some wild grape jelly might be in order this fall... We'll see.

Phlox are always delightful to spot. There's something so fresh and innocent about those simple, open petals. They might be uncomplicated, but they're still beautiful.

I love trillium flowers. The one above had a nice tree trunk as its background, helping it stand out especially well.

Not that they really need any help standing out - their bright, white blossoms make a bold statement in the leaf duff and spring grass, too.

And I'll always have a soft spot for forget-me-nots. They're prolific, growing along the edges of the woods, where they stay in partial shade, but there's just something about the tiny, soft blue flowers with the yellow centers that always bring a smile to my face.

I have a feeling that still more wildflowers will be cropping up before too much time has passed. Brace yourselves!


Anonymous said...

oh, love all of them!!!!

extra bonus when boxing to see these lovelies!!!


Webfoot said...

Thanks, Sheila! I agree - I love them, too. Boxing, mushroom hunting, discovering blossoms - they're all treasures in the woods! :)