Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day! Mine left this world way too young and I miss her creative and indomitable spirit.

This is one of the little lilac bushes she nurtured and kept alive in the shade of huge pine trees. It's somehow fitting that it's blooming for Mothers Day this year - and it smells divine already, even though only a few of the flowers have opened.

Piper was with me when I took the lilac picture and sat down very obligingly in front of the little bush for her own portrait. She doesn't hold still much, so I took advantage of the opportunity. :)


Anonymous said...

Wiggly dogs, what can you do? Piper is a cutie. :^)

Lilac hugs for your day, from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

Thanks, BetsyLee. Piper has been enjoying her visit to the family homestead - she's going to miss all the extra attention when I take her home. :) Hugs right back to you.

Kathy said...

Happy Mother’s Day. I also miss my mom. — MichKathy

Webfoot said...

Thank you, MichKathy! It's amazing how many times I think of things I'd like to share with my mom, even after all these years. Also, how many places are imbued with her memory. I'm sure it's the same with you. My heart might ache a little, but I smile at the living connection. Happy Mothers Day to you.