Monday, June 17, 2024

Field and Fungus

Piper and I discovered a huge bloom of mushrooms (most of them way past their prime) while out on a walk. I haven't taken the time to really try and identify them, but a quick page through my mushroom books didn't turn up any obvious matches.

They were growing on an enormous pile of wood chips. I'm guessing that BetsyLee will have the answer for us pretty quickly! :)

Another dog walker I met on a different excursion said he thought they were edible, but didn't know what they were, either. (I don't eat anything to which I have not been formally introduced!)

These guys, however, are one of the first mushrooms I got to know and love when I was a child. The fairy ring makes a grand addition to scrambled eggs or any kind of gravy. I remember we used to find them in cow pastures or sometimes in cemeteries, before the grounds keepers started using too many fungicides on the grass, killing them all off.

 Piper didn't care about the mushrooms at all, but thoroughly enjoyed the walk down the rarely used trails.


Anonymous said...

I'll take a stab: Reddening Lepiota. Don't eat it. The veils around the edges of the cap look so delicate. What a nice display they make! Thank you for the pics. :^)

Hugs from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

Thank you, BetsyLee. I knew you'd have the answer on that mushroom. I looked them up and that looks right. And no, I think I'll pass on eating them. :) Hugs right back to you!!