Sunday, March 22, 2020


After an enticing taste of springtime weather, we had a setback and woke up a couple mornings ago to a stiff wind and blowing snow. It absolutely plastered white spots to Baloo's coat so that he looked a little like an inverted dalmation. 

Baloo had something pretty sharp to say about it all. Mornings have been pretty chilly, but it did clear off this afternoon and I took a break to go outside and trim the big hydrangea bush in the back yard while Baloo ate snow and looked for stray bird seeds.  

Thank you to those who have been sending in orders during this transitional period. I've been using PayPal's invoice system and it seems to be working as a mildly clumsy substitute while Stampeaz is in the process of rising from the ashes. Just send me an email (admin @ stampeaz . com -- without the spaces, of course), if you need anything. 

Stay safe and healthy, everyone!


GG said...

Just checking in on the puzzle progress.

GG said...

I think I see a puzzle piece by Baloo's water dish.