Saturday, February 22, 2020

Stampeaz Meltdown

Well, I got home to learn that Stampeaz is completely broken and I haven't been able to fix it, try as I might. Sadly, the help I called in hasn't been able to fix it, either.  For orders that came in while I was away, I have sent refunds and apologies. I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience!!

I suppose this could be a blessing in disguise (an incredibly good disguise), as I have been wanting to make some changes to the site, anyway, and this is just the kick in the keister that I apparently needed. 

So, watch this space as I slowly puzzle out how to rebuild the entire site. 

In the meantime, if you have a desperate need for anything, let me know and I'll see what I can do for you. 


GG said...

As you get closer to a fix will we see more and more of the puzzle being done?

Webfoot said...

Ah, GG, I love how you have such confidence that I will get closer to a fix. And yes, more of the puzzle will be revealed if I'm fortunate enough to make progress. :)

Anonymous said...

Yikes! I was just getting ready to order some of that new stuff! I will watch for news...Best Wishes To You and Stampeaz!

Webfoot said...

You can still order, if you're ready. Just send me an email (admin @ -- without the spaces, of course), and I can create an invoice for you through PayPal. I still have all the stuff in the basement, after all. :) --Webfoot

Open Space said...

Oh no! So sorry for the crash - rebuilding it will be a ton of work. If you have to start over, I highly recommend Shopify for your store. They take care of all the technical stuff and security.

FMF said...

Hugs and good luck!!!

Webfoot said...

Thanks for the comments and good wishes, Open Space and FMF. I appreciate the support! :)

grpride said...

Gosh Webfoot I’m so sorry about the Stampeaz crash but I sure am glad to find you’re still here! Ive been away from letterboxing for long enough that I need to replace my ink pads for my kit. I wanted to get them from you! Do you still carry them? Thanks Furface

Unknown said...

Will you make an announcement through the Carving Consortium once you have Stampeaz up and running again?
Val Roberts