Friday, September 6, 2019

Play Misty for Me

 Baloo and I enjoyed walking along the bay one particularly foggy morning. The effect was magical - the opposite shore was completely invisible, shrouded in mist, and the world had a very soft focus. 

These folks were out early to see if they could catch a few fish before the fog burned off. 

A colony of gulls took refuge on one of the docks, napping and preening. 

Boats lined up at the harbor's yacht club mooring looked like ghost vessels. 

And these two deep green pines stood out like brave sentinels watching over the park. 

Linus from the old Peanuts comic strip said that when it was foggy, the clouds were walking. I like the image. 


Anonymous said...

Great pics, Webfoot, as usual. I haven't been on here in a long time but sure had fun catching up with all you have written and shown us. A good time for me in the wee hours of the morning. Thank you!

Webfoot said...

Thanks, OD! I'm glad you're enjoying the posts. It's been fun to share a few of my adventures with Baloo.