Sunday, September 15, 2019

I Have Often Walked down this Street Before....

While visiting the town of my birth a few weeks ago, we took a quick tour past the old house in the old neighborhood. 

It's hard to believe that five of us squeezed into this little house (we didn't have a garage back then and the front gardens weren't nearly as spectacular, but otherwise it's much as I remember it). We did, however have a magnificent lilac bush in the back yard that had a child-sized opening I often crawled into. It acted as a grand house for tea parties and other creative play.  

The upstairs window that you can see in this picture was at the top of the stairs and my "bedroom" was the hall/landing right there. I remember that the head of my bed was up against the door to the attic - and if you don't think that gave a small child nightmares thinking about what could be hiding in that attic space, you clearly didn't have the fertile imagination I had! 

It was fun to see the old street and we remembered many of the families that had lived along it with us. Also, the park was still there, where there used to be a working May pole and they held various art classes and activities for children during the summer. 

Our house was at the bottom of the hill, sort of in the "hollow" and I loved walking up the hill through the fog on my way to the school bus. It was a magical start to the day. 


Anonymous said...

A lovely home and your memories are dear!
I loved your comment about the lilac bush, my mother and her four sisters had similar memories of a lilac bush play house with cans for dishes and mud pies for cakes, one year for the family reunion I carved a lilac bush stamp complete with wood crate table and "dishes", for our letterbox family reunion activity, lol.

Webfoot said...

What a great family LB project. I'd love to see it! Is it out in the wild somewhere? :)