Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Birds and Bee...

I was visiting my sister a couple weeks ago and admired the variegated weigela bush that grows at the edge of her yard.

I find both the flowers and the foliage quite striking. 

A bumble bee was busy enjoying the blossoms, too.

And then a pair of mallards wandered in to snack on the sunflower seeds and other tidbits that had fallen from the feeders. My sister said it was the first time she had seen them do that. Interestingly, they didn't seem at all daunted by people moving around to and from the grill. They must have practice visiting other feeders in the area, to be so unperturbed.

1 comment:

Marmalade said...

Ha! Growing up, we had a weigela in our yard. We called it the "Bee Bush".