Sunday, August 11, 2024

Getting Satisfaction on Sunday

 Finally, the big (or little) reveal! First our original clue:

Then, we have the zoomed hint:

The little mystery you're looking for is pretty well centered from top to bottom, but is a bit to the right of center when measuring from side to side. 

This cheeky chipmunk was far enough from the trail that it felt safe standing in the open to watch our progress along the path. Piper had no trouble spotting it, though she can do some fancy cheating with her excellent nose! 

I hope you enjoyed this minor weekend diversion. :)


Anonymous said...

Aw, I love chipmunks and all the noise they make as I walk along the trails ! Well, I wouldn't mind if they were a LITTLE less noisy, but still I like knowing they are there. Love the pic ! You have good eyes. :^)

Webfoot said...

They do chatter! Piper gets a little overexcited when they get into scolding mode. She wants to go make sure they quiet down... probably for good. ;-)