Friday, August 23, 2024

A Tremendous Trio

As Piper and I were out walking a couple mornings ago, we encountered some very handsome fellows out for a walk of their own. 


There are rewards for getting up particularly early - it opens up entirely new possibilities for chance meetings. 

All three were beautiful, and antlers still covered in velvet are always extra impressive. They look even bigger than they really are. 

Piper got to study them for quite a while as they checked her out. She even sat down on the trail and watched them quietly, as I snapped some pictures. Eventually, they all turned back around and disappeared into the woods again. 


Anonymous said...

What handsome and beautiful animals ! Thank you for the pics !

Hugs from BetsyLee

Glad you're okay !

Webfoot said...

Thank you, BetsyLee! I thought it was a fantastic reward for taking Piper out at dawn. :) And thank you for the good wishes. I've been helping family with medical things, so I'm going to be more sporadic than usual for a little while.
Hugs right back to you!!