Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Field of Feathers and Fur

There are so many wonderful little creatures living their unobtrusive lives out in the field and they are so easy to overlook. I try to pay attention to small movements or changes of light as Piper and I walk along and, sometimes, I am rewarded with a special treat. 

For example, I spotted a chipping sparrow bringing a tasty bug home for the youngsters in the nest - and it even held still long enough for a photo. 

A song sparrow posed quite charmingly with ripening mulberries. 

Spotted knapweed provided a colorful foreground to this red squirrel perched on a fencepost, eating breakfast. 

So, while Piper noses around looking for bunnies and ground squirrels, I try to cast an eye around to see what interesting things I might be able to spot. (Obviously, she spotted the red squirrel, too.)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you eat any of the mulberries? It's been so long since I've had any that I can't remember the flavor at all. Thank you for the pics of the birds and the fatty red squirrel !

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee