Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sunday Strolling

Sometimes, I walk along the road by the bay as I wind my way up to the wetlands. 

Mergansers occasionally swim along the shoreline to provide a little entertainment as they look for breakfast.

These two girls were sporting very different coiffures, which made me smile. It's all about style!

While the bay was fairly smooth, the water at the marsh was glass calm, reflecting the trees from the opposite shore. Nobody was swimming, but it was quite peaceful.

A few fungi managed to overwinter successfully.

I'll have to watch and see if they keep growing, or if they are finished with their life cycles. I like the contrast of the smooth mushrooms against the rough birch bark. 

There's always something to see, isn't there? 


Anonymous said...

wow, their heads are so different. The one you would swear was cropped in the photo, if not right next to the one with a "full" head.


Anonymous said...

Looks like Piptoporus betulinus to me (the fungus, not the birds!). Birch polypore. Love 'em. Love the mergansers too.

Keep putting up the pics, please: my car is broken and the garage won't have time to fix it for a few days, so I'm stuck here at home. Plenty of bird arrivals to watch and note, but not many photo ops.

This morning I had to resort to taking pictures of tiny baby snails on our steps. They weren't moving very fast, so it wasn't hard to catch up to them. ;^)

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee