Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Ringing Endorsement

This time of year, migrating waterfowl stop to rest (and sometimes nest) at the wetlands area nearby. Frequent visits keep me up to date on who is passing through the area and who is setting up housekeeping.

On a recent morning jaunt, I was delighted to see a ring-necked duck paddling around and preening.

I don't know if he was traveling alone, or if he flew in with friends, but he was certainly on his own out in the middle of the shallow lake on this particular morning. 

He kept his distance, so the pictures aren't terribly close or dramatic, but he didn't seem to be bothered by the attention I was giving him.

These ducks rarely breed this far south and I haven't seen him since that morning, so I am guessing he continued his journey and is now happily courting a lady duck in the upper peninsula or Canada.

He made sure to clean and arrange all his feathers just so.

Although some of his poses were a bit goofy, he was definitely handsome enough to attract some admirers. (I certainly admired him, but I doubt I'm his type...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These ducks always look so neat and tidy. I happened to be in the right place at the right time early one morning, and saw more than 75 of these cuties come sailing into the bay where I was doing some bird watching from my parked car. So impressive !

My first thought was neat and tidy. Odd, but that's what I thought. :^)

Duck hugs from BetsyLee