Monday, February 19, 2018

Houndstooth Hound

When it gets really frigid outside, Baloo's paws get uncomfortably cold amazingly fast. He still hasn't learned to be efficient about taking care of business,

On seriously inclement days, I get out the lovely hounds-tooth coat that a friend of ours gave to him and bundle him up against the elements. If his core temperature stays warmer, it helps his protect his toes from getting too chilled for a little bit longer. He doesn't really complain about the extra layer - I think he knows that it keeps him more comfortable.  Although there seems to be a certain amount of reproach in his eyes with respect to having his picture taken, I think he looks quite dignified in his designer jacket. It even coordinates perfectly with his black fur and golden eyes.

Occasionally, it's so snowy and blustery we can't even see past the trees on the opposite side of the street. This picture is taken from the top of my driveway, which is (obviously) not plowed. For a while on this particular morning, those evergreens were just a dark blur. It was beautiful, though, making the whole world feel like a swirling snow globe. A really frosty snow globe.  

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