Thursday, October 26, 2017

Time has a Tendency... flutter by when one is busy! I've been wanting to post something new for a while now, but finding the time to download pictures from the camera and get them ready to put in an entry has been a challenge.

I finally got a few pictures ready to go and the subjects seem appropriate, as they flutter by, too.

Baloo and I kept seeing lovely little butterflies and moths as we walked the trails.

Some were quite striking, in spite of their diminutive size. 

Others were positively tiny and very shy. I love the feathery antlers on this one!

Uncommon or numerous, teasing or shy, they were all delightful to see and try and sneak up on to photograph. Several species eluded me entirely, although there are a few others I'll share in another post. These pictures are from a few weeks ago and the winged beauties have flown south for the winter, but we'll look forward to seeing them again when they (and the sun) return to the north country. 

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