Monday, May 12, 2008

Vacation time again!!

This little gray squirrel was lying in a patch of sunshine on the porch railing yesterday. She just seemed like the perfect illustration for announcing my absence from the helm of Stampeaz for a little while. It is hard to believe it's mid-May already!!

I am off to visit my family. We'll be doing a lot of wandering around in the woods, hunting for morel mushrooms, wildflowers, turkeys, fawns and whatever other wonders may come our way. Not only that, I get to meet the chicken!! You can be sure that there will be pictures and more updates to the chicken story when I return!

I apologize for any inconvenience my temporary absence may cause to PZ Kut addicts – I’ll be back soon, I promise! And I also promise to get working on the things that are still wonky about the new Stampeaz Web site. There are still a few glitches in the code for displaying certain things and the color scheme is in need of some major adjustment. In the meantime, everything that really has to work, does work. Phew!!

See you after Memorial Day!

1 comment:

Kenzie said...

That squirrel is pretty cute!