Saturday, May 11, 2024

There's a Morel to This Story

It's hunting season again. Time to get out and stalk the wild things.

These little beauties can really hide among the leaf litter and matted grasses, so it's a treat to spot the distinctive pattern of true treasure.

My brother and I covered some territory and had a pretty good outcome this year. We hope there will be more to come. Yes, I admit it - we're greedy like that. :)

The old favorite mushroom hunting areas we traipsed through 
with our parents when we were children succumbed to the emerald ash borer and died out with the ash trees, so we're always looking for new spots where they've decided to bloom.

A couple gallons later, we were pretty happy with our efforts. 

Yes, there were some extras in another bag that made their way into a pan for hors d'oeuvres as a bonus. 



Anonymous said...

Holy cow that's a lot of morels ! I've ever only found one by accident, I can't imagine finding so many. Wow. Just, wow.

Speechless hugs from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

This was the best harvest we've had since the emerald ash borer killed all the ash trees. I also had some serendipity while walking Piper in the mornings - I spotted a few along the trails. :) Hugs back to you!

tinkerbell said...

I'll be in Michigan soon but have no idea where to look.

Webfoot said...

tinkerbell, it sort of depends on what part of Michigan you'll be visiting and when. The white morels are closer to the end of the season where we are, so you'll need to come soon! :)