Thursday, May 2, 2024


As you all know, I've been missing my sweet Baloo for nearly two years now. And I still miss him every day and probably always will. He was the most amazing dog ever. However, even though I still have a huge Baloo shaped hole in my heart, I have been looking for the right new trail buddy to come along and she finally has.

So, let me introduce Piper. She's a black lab mix of some kind - just a little over half Baloo's size. She was a stray that never got claimed and was in need of a new start in life, so I drove downstate to meet her and bring her home.

She's a total sweetheart around people, but is very nervous and frightened around other dogs - that will take some work. 

These first two pictures reminded me a little of mug shots, but the worst criminal behavior so far has been the destruction of several toys and a swiffer duster. We'll see what mischief she gets into as she comes out of her shell a little further. 

Here she is snuggled against my sister on her first full day in her new home. She looks very nervous, doesn't she? But, even in her discomfort, she loves to cuddle.

The rescue organization estimated her age at around two years, but her new vet told me today she's probably closer to one. 

Oh, the adventures to come...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finding a new doggie Friend ! I look forward to reading about some new adventures. :^)

Hugs to you and Piper, from BetsyLee

Anonymous said...

So happy for you both!

n ,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ;m.]' (my cat's comments and congratulations!)

Pink Panther

Anonymous said...

Oh, she is beautiful. Congrats to both of you, finding a new friend.

Piper is a good name.


Anonymous said...

What a beauty. Ans a lab anywhere around 1 or 2 YO will be needing LOTs of walks. Perfect.I'm looking forward to stories and pictures.

Woodland Paws

Webfoot said...

Thank you, everyone, for welcoming Piper to the blog. She's been loving her walks so far, but is less than enthusiastic about meeting other dogs along the way. She gets agitated and bristles at dogs we meet. I'm hoping this will get better as she becomes more secure, but we'll get it sorted out, even if it requires some professional training assistance. She's a sweet girl and deserves a second chance at a good life.
Hugs all around from both of us!! :)

Scout said...

Welcome home Piper!

Anonymous said...

I just want to give her a hug..... 💞
