Thursday, May 23, 2024

Searching for Snacks

Piper and I walked across what will forever be known as Baloo's Big Field to the more developed part of the park, where the grass on the soccer fields and the surrounding areas recently got mowed. 

There was a very active pair of killdeer sticking close together as they went about searching for food. I'm sure they have a nest somewhere nearby, but they weren't being as protective as they often are, so I suppose that means we weren't close enough to alarm them.

Piper did a good job of staying still as I snapped pictures of the two birds weaving back and forth across the grass.

The markings on killdeer are so striking. I love the sharp contrast between the dark stripes and the lighter bands. It really helps them disappear into the weeds or sand when necessary.

I'm sure there will be more of these cuties appearing along the way, as I seem to be unable to resist photographing them whenever they cross my path. :)


Anonymous said...

I hope you get to take pics of little Killdeer peeps ! They are so tiny and cute.

I'm glad Piper is so well behaved - what a temptation it would be to chase the birdies!

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

I love getting to see the little ones. They're good at hiding, though!!

Piper isn't always so well behaved, but I try to reward her when she is, so that she gets the idea. She wants to chase the bunnies and the squirrels, for example. :)

Hugs right back to you!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love killdeer and those little fluff ball babies are so cute. I love how the parents run around like they are hurt to get you away from the nest or young when you accidentally get too close to them.
