Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Flowers that Bloom in the Spring (Tra La)

Spring wildflowers blooming and brightening the forest floor are always a treat to see. They don't last long - I guess that's why they're called spring ephemerals. 

Large flowered bellworts often bloom in groups along hillsides or riverbanks.

The flowers are delicate, with long, tapered petals that look a little windblown.

Piper photo bombed my attempt at getting a good picture of the aptly named foam flower. She was curious about what had captured my attention, so she had to give them a sniff.

She didn't find them particularly interesting, though, and moved away so that I could get a second chance at a picture.

I have more spring wildflowers to share in a day or so, since they always entrance me with their beauty and I can't resist trying to photograph them.  


Anonymous said...

Large-flowered Bellworts, oh man I am so stinkin' jealous !! I never find those. I look, but I don't find. Man !!

Hugs to ya from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

BetsyLee, this is one of the many benefits of spending hours hunting for morels. The spring ephemeral flowers are blooming all over the woods, taking advantage of the fact that the canopy is still sparse enough to let the sun shine through. Unfortunately, I missed the bloodroot and trout lilies this year - surprisingly, they were finished with their display before I made it down to the homestead for the great mushroom hunts. :) Hugs right back to you!!