Saturday, May 25, 2024

A Difficult Mystery to Solve

Well, I thought this mystery photo would come out better than it did. I warn you it's hard, but there is something pretty cool to be discovered in the trees.

We'll slide in closer to our target tomorrow, but you guys are so good at this you may see better than I can!! 

Don't forget that you can click on the image to enlarge it. Take advantage of every bit of help with this one!


Anonymous said...

It IS difficult. Even when I expand it, I can't see the subject.

I do like the pic, even without the mystery. :^)

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

Yes, BetsyLee - I thought it would show better. I think it's the backlighting that makes it so difficult, but you are right, the same lighting is also really pretty streaming through the new leaves. :) Hugs right back to you.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm....... I thought I could see something but then I zoomed in and couldn't see it anymore......... Bigfoot by any chance?

Webfoot said...

Smaller than bigfoot. :)

Anonymous said...

You have us so trained to look for things, that I think I see lots of

Every little "blimp" in the trees/leaves, every shadow must be a hidden treasure..........

I am waiting for the next pic to narrow the options ;j

I do love the lighting and composition of this photo!


Anonymous said...

I found something on a tree that looks like it could be a small animal, squirrel maybe. I swear I can make out the body,
eye, back feet and tail.

Anonymous said...

Same person as above, in the big tree on far right, looked at it again and now it looks like 2 squirrels?
each head facing in opposite directions.